Am I a Candidate for LLLT / Laser Cap Therapy?

Feeling stressed because you don’t fit into the Norwood or Ludwig Scale? Don’t worry, we have helped tens of thousands of people just like you with various hair loss types achieve results with laser light therapy in Kiierr Laser caps. Don’t take it from us, check out our before and afters!

Low-level laser therapy OR LLLT is one of the absolute best hair loss treatments available in the world. According to NCBI, LLLT has been proven to be safe and effective over the course of many decades and many scientific studies. There are no known side effects of LLLT treatment for hair loss and millions of people around the world have used it to regrow hair over the past twenty to thirty years.

The reason why it is so effective is because it stimulates hair follicles at the cellular level to regenerate and go into an active growth state while improving blood flow and nutrient delivery. But, despite the fact that LLLT helps many people to regrow their hair, some people are still unsure whether or not they qualify for LLLT or whether or not it is a good option for them.

Understanding Male and Female Pattern Baldness

Before we can determine if you are a good candidate for LLLT, it is important to understand male and female pattern baldness.

According to, “The Norwood scale (or Hamilton-Norwood scale) is the leading classification system used to measure the extent of male pattern baldness. Men typically lose their hair in one of several common patterns over the course of many decades. The Norwood scale provides easy-to-reference images that indicate different stages of balding.

Norwood scale

The Norwood scale, however, is the measurement that’s most commonly used by clinicians when discussing male pattern baldness. It provides a reference point to diagnose the extent of baldness, discuss treatment options, and measure the effectiveness of treatment.

According to, Androgenetic alopecia is a common form of hair loss in both men and women. In men, this condition is also known as male-pattern baldness. Hair is lost in a well-defined pattern, beginning above both temples. Over time, the hairline recedes to form a characteristic “M” shape. Hair also thins at the crown (near the top of the head), often progressing to partial or complete baldness.

The pattern of hair loss in women differs from male-pattern baldness. In women, the hair becomes thinner all over the head, and the hairline does not recede. Androgenetic alopecia in women rarely leads to total baldness.

Female pattern baldness — also known as androgenetic alopecia — is hair loss that affects people assigned female at birth.

It’s similar to male pattern baldness, except that the hair loss tends to occur in a different pattern.”

There are two widely known female hair loss density scales used by most hair loss specialists: the Ludwig Scale and the Savin Scale. For all intents and purposes, they are identical except that the Savin Scale also measures overall thinning. (American Hair Loss, 2022)

ludwig scale

The Fitzpatrick Scale is about your skin type and and is semi-subjective because it was developed by interviewing people on their skin exposure to the sun and the reactions they had. (Healthline, 2022). Below are the six different skin types and exposures the people had.

Fitzpatrick scale

What does this have to do with Low Level Laser Therapy?

Low level laser therapy is intended for men and women with thinning hair or male/female pattern baldness caused by a hereditary condition.

According to, “Physicians use a system known as the Norwood-Hamilton Classification (men) and the Ludwig-Savin Scale (women) to describe the degree of hair loss. Low level laser therapy is intended for promotion of hair growth in males who have Norwood Hamilton Classifications of IIa to V and in females who have Ludwig (Savin) I-4, II-1, II-2, or frontal patterns of hair loss and have Fitzpatrick skin phototypes I to IV.”

Why Are People Confused About This?

One of the main reasons why some people are not sure whether or not they are a candidate for LLLT treatment is because the FDA makes LLLT laser cap vendors put the Ludwig Class Scale and the Norwood Hamilton Scale on their products along with the Fitzpatrick scale. These result in people believing that a laser cap will not work for them, which is not entirely true. Many companies have seen laser caps work for all types of people all over the scales mentioned above.

This does not mean, however, that only people with certain levels of hair loss can benefit from LLLT or Kiierr’s laser hair caps. In fact, here at Kiierr, we have seen tens of thousands of our customers with many different levels of hair loss benefit from our products. This is true regardless of their age, gender, skin color, hair loss profile, etc. So, essentially, no matter who you are, there is a very good chance that if you have hair loss, LLLT will help you to start regrowing your hair. This is one reason our company offers our seven month growth guarantee. The only way you will know if this works for you is to try it. With our growth guarantee, the only thing you have to lose is more hair by not trying.

Does Laser Therapy Work if You’re Completely Bald?

bald man thinking states, “Typically, LLLT does not work in cases where baldness has existed for many years. When completely bald, it is likely that the hair follicles are dead. To check if your hair follicles are still active, you would take a look at the scalp. If you see any hairs on your scalp (no matter how sparse, short, thin or fuzzy) your hair follicles are still alive. When your hair follicles have died, the skin on the scalp takes on a smooth, shiny appearance.

For this reason, it’s ideal to start laser therapy as soon as possible to achieve the maximum hair restoration benefits. The best results usually occur when used in the first stages of hair loss, or in cases of partial hair loss. It can still improve more severe cases, it may just take a longer period of time. Wherever you are in your hair restoration journey, unless completely bald, there is hope. If you’re considering laser therapy, the longer you take to decide, the more likely that the hair loss will progress.”

All Benefit, No Risk

The thing that is most important to note if you are considering whether or not LLLT is right for you is that Kiierr’s laser caps and many other high-quality LLLT products provide benefit without risk. This is because there are no known side effects of proper low-level laser therapy. So, if you decide to try out a Kiierr laser hair cap, there are no significant downsides. You can safely try the product for seven months and see what the results are for yourself.

No matter what your hair loss profile is on the Norwood or Ludwig Scale, there is a very good chance that you will see at least some, if not a substantial improvement in your hair growth. So, if you have hair loss and if you want to regrow it, why not consider buying a laser cap from Kiierr and seeing how well LLLT works for you?

If you don’t see any results, then you can simply return the Kiierr laser cap under our growth guarantee for a refund minus a 7% convenience fee. Kiierr has an excellent guarantee. Visit us at


Regardless where you stand on the Norwood or Ludwig scale, you may still see results. We have seen people just like you achieve great results. Don’t believe us? Check out our before and after photos. Kiierr has you covered with our 7 month growth guarantee.

Check out these real life success stories.


before and after photo of Brandon Wise

Author Bio

Jolene Anderson Author - Co-Founder




Jolene Anderson is the proud Co-Founder of Kiierr Hair Growth Experts. She has 11 years experience in natural healing, laser therapy hair loss. She’s a caring mom of 2 and passionate about helping others. Connect with her on LinkedIn: Jolene Anderson – Co-Founder @ 

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