Stress and Your Tresses

Most of us are all too familiar with an intense feeling of stress. That “I’m about ready to pull my hair out” level of stress. It consumes us, and what’s worse, is that it can have serious medical consequences.

Stress can be quite debilitating on your body. It can cause headaches and upset stomachs, our muscles can tense up, blood pressure can rise, and our heartbeat quickens. Not only can it make you sick, but it can cause hair loss.

We might not actually pull our hair out, but sadly enough, we can quite possibly lose our beautiful strands because of the stress we feel.

How Stress Affects our Strands

stress and your tressesHair loss is a natural part of a healthy hair growth cycle. The anagen (growth) stage lasts from three to four years, where the telogen (resting/shedding) stage lasts from three to four months. When both are operating in sync, 80-90 percent of the hair follicles are active, growing hair, and 10-12 percent are resting.

On average, we lose around 100 strands of hair a day. This is a typical healthy head of hair. However, stress can have some major complications to the growth and nourishment of your hair.

Stress disrupts the natural process by triggering telogen effluvium. This process changes hormone levels, causing too many follicles to go into the resting stage at one time. The new strands of hair cannot keep up with the loss of the old, causing your hair to fall out.The worst part of this process, is it typically happens 2-4 months after the initial event that caused so much stress. Because hairs that enter the telogen phase rest in place for 2-4 months before falling out, you won’t lose your hair until that stressful moment is in the past. This can sometimes  cause a whole new wave of stress you didn’t see coming by losing your hair. It can become a vicious cycle, one that seems never ending!

The good news is, telogen effluvium normally resolves itself without needing to take extraordinary measures. If the stress is under control, you can get your hair loss under control. For some of us however, it’s easier said than done. Stress doesn’t go away overnight, and for those of us that have preexisting conditions such as anxiety, stress can seem quite unmanageable. Some of us might have to seek additional help such as yoga, meditation, or therapy.

Another crazy phenomenon that comes with stress, is a literal pulling out hair. Although very rare, stress can result in an impulse control disorder that presents itself with an irresistible urge to pull your hair out.

This rare condition is called Trichotillomania, and is often automatic behavior, done with no conscious effort. In addition to stress, other factors such as boredom, sadness, anger, frustration, loneliness, or excitement can trigger it, as well as a complex blend of biological, psychological, and environmental factors. So don’t fret just yet if you’re stressed and worried about pulling out your hair. Most likely you won’t be literally pulling it out!

If you are worried about a significant loss of hair, check with your doctor to get an exact diagnosis. Losing one’s hair can be quite frightening, and having a doctor’s insight and diagnosis can be extremely helpful if the underlying problem is something bigger than stress.

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What Can You Do?

kiierr laser hair growth capIf you want to take other measures in assuring hair growth, there are wonderful products out there that can remedy hair loss from stress or other disorders.

Products such as Kiierr can help in such cases. Kiierr Laser Hair Growth Caps improves cellular respiration and function by stimulating the hair follicle cells, allowing growth in hair and preventing hair loss. It’s backed by experts in fields of science, medicine, and technology. The products are FDA-cleared and there are no known side effects. So, if you suffer from hair loss by stress or other afflictions, you can give this therapy a try in remedying your tresses.


Stress is never fun, and losing your hair is even worse. Thankfully there are ways of helping the nourishment of our hair, allowing our strands to be strong and beautiful in the way we want, and the way we deserve.


What is some of your favorite things to do when you are stressed?