Alopecia Awareness Month

children and alopecia awareness

The month of September isn’t only about Labor Day weekend, but is a month long celebration to increase public awareness of alopecia Areata and to help bring attention and understanding of hair loss as well as the need for a treatment. To many, this doesn’t mean anything, but for those suffering from hair loss, it is a month of empowerment and freedom. It is a month where those affected by alopecia have a chance to spread the word, celebrate themselves, and end the stigma that comes with the loss of hair.

Hair loss affects millions of people around the world every year, and Alopecia Awareness Month will hopefully increase the need for an FDA approved treatment that so many people not only want, but need. Below is a small guide so you can become fully aware of what alopecia is and what you can do to ease the loss, if not stop it altogether.

What is Hair Loss

hair loss awareness monthHair loss can be caused by multiple factors, but the three main culprits are age, genetics, and disease. To understand how hair loss works, you must understand how the hair on your head works. Although we see our hair being one with our body, it has a life of its own. Each follicle goes through its very own life cycle. There are three phases to the hair growth cycle; anagen (growth), catagen (transitional), and telogen (resting/shedding).

Hair Growth Cycle Stages

Anagen is active hair growth that lasts between two to six years, depending on genetics and other factors. This is where your hair grows 1cm per month. The longer it stays in this phase, the longer it will grow.

The Catagen phase is transitional hair growth lasting between two to three weeks. This cycle allows the follicle to “renew itself”. The hair follicle shrinks and is cut off from a nourishing blood supply.

The telogen phase is known as the resting phase where the follicle remains dormant for one to four months. Ten to fifteen percent of the hairs are in this phase at any given time. This is when a person’s hair will “shed”.

For hair growth to work properly, each of these cycles need to be in sync with one another, but what normally happens is that too many hair follicles go into the telogen phase at once. This results in thinning hair.

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What is Alopecia

alopecia awareness monthAlopecia is an autoimmune hair loss disease that affects this healthy growth cycle. The most common form of hair loss is androgenetic alopecia, otherwise known as male/female pattern baldness. This accounts for more than 70 percent of alopecia cases, leaving many with not only thinning or total hair loss, but with depression, anxiety, and stress. Every age, race, and gender can be affected by alopecia. Unfortunately at this time, there is no cure, although there are products on the market that can help tremendously. And though this isn’t a disease that physically hurts, it can cause major emotional and psychological pain as losing ones hair can have a big impact on ones life.

What You can do

As I said above, there are products on the market now that can help in your fight against hair loss. One such product is low level light therapy hair growth caps. These caps not only promote hair growth, but can fight against hair loss while creating scalp circulation and hair follicle rejuvenation. Products such as Kiierr’s Low Level Light Therapy caps are non invasive and cost effective, providing you with no risks to your health or to your hair.

kiierr 272premier laser capThese caps improve cellular respiration and stimulate hair follicles by using low-level light therapy, which is scientifically proven to produce thicker and healthier hair. The technology regenerates your hair follicles, giving them increased energy and blood flow.

The therapy uses premium laser diodes that work by hitting a specific energy threshold and staying within a specific wavelength. It produces no heat so the user cannot be burned or injured. LLLT absorbs into the cells, triggering enhanced cellular activity, which then energizes aging cells and stimulates the production of hair. And it can be done in the comfort of your own home.


This month, brings those who don’t understand all the affects of alopecia, emotionally, physically, and mentally, awareness on this life altering problem. Show others why they should care and why a cure is needed! You can also check out some local events this month that spread even more awareness about alopecia. Also convey love and acceptance for those feeling alone in their hair loss journey. Hair loss awareness month is important!


How will you celebrate alopecia awareness month?