A Guide to Thicker, Stronger Healthier Hair

woman with long healthy hair

Those locks on our head are precious, so when their life is on the line, we can become panic stricken. Whether our hair is brittle and dry, or those once growing strands are beginning to fall away, taking action is extremely important. If you feel as though your hair is losing that luster it once had, follow the guide to thicker, stronger healthier hair below.

Dry and Brittle Hair

a guide to stronger healthier hair

Our hair can become dry and brittle for a few reasons. Excessively using heating tools can cause dryness and split ends. Swimming in chlorine pools, laying in the sun for too long, washing your hair too often, and poor nutrition are also contributing factors to dry and brittle hair. Thankfully, there’s a way to reverse this with a little bit of effort. Using conditioner and hair masks help tremendously in getting that moisture back into those locks. Your hair needs moisture to thrive and continue to grow. By using heating tools, staying in the sun for too long, or consistently wetting your hair, your hair can lose its natural oils and moisture. This can eventually cause breakage and extensive damage.

Eating healthy and taking vitamins is also extremely important when it comes to making dry and brittle hair healthy. A healthy diet doesn’t just benefit your body. It can immensely benefit the hair follicles on the scalp. The three best vitamins to add to your diet are protein, omega 3 fatty acids, and beta-carotene. Because your hair is made up of a protein called keratin, its important to prioritize protein in your diet to successfully strengthen your hair. Lentils, eggs, and poultry are great protein foods. Salmon and trout are rich in omega 3 fatty acids and vitamin D, which promotes a healthy scalp. Sweet potatoes, apricots, and carrots are rich in beta-carotene and can strengthen your hair tremendously.

Oily Hair

get thicker healthier hair

Greasy hair is just the worst, and if you have ever gone through it, you most likely agree. Your scalp consists of sebaceous glands. These glands produce sebum which keep our hair naturally moisturized. As stated above, this is extremely important because it keeps your hair healthy, smooth, and prevents it from becoming dry and thin. Greasy hair is caused by overactive sebaceous glands, creating too much sebum and causing hair to look slick and wet. The most common causes of oily hair can be attributed to eating habits, medications, improper hair care, stress, and hormonal fluctuations.

Washing your hair more often can be a simple way to remove the excess oil from your hair. But, be careful that you aren’t over washing your hair. This can strip away the natural oils and moisture that your hair needs to thrive. Deciding how much you should wash your hair can be tricky. Shampooing properly can also help ease greasy hair. Start with a small amount and work into your roots and scalp. Massage lightly to remove excess dirt and grime. Aggressive scrubbing can irritate your scalp and cause it to produce more oils so make sure you know the difference.

Cleaning your brush can also go a long way in helping oily hair. A dirty brush can be full of styling products, oils, and other gunk that can make your locks dirty immediately after washing. Just gently wash your tools with a bit of shampoo can make all the difference.

You should also avoid products that contain silicone at all costs. Silicone based ingredients add a plastic like barrier to your strands to give it a smooth and shinier look. This blocks out the moisture and causes buildup that make your hair look dirty, oily, and weighed down. It can also prevent beneficial moisture from getting into the hair shafts. Be aware of products with the ingredients like cyclomethicone, amodimethicone, and dimethicone.

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Hair Loss

hair loss

Hair loss can be devastating. Not only are you losing those locks on your head, but you can feel as though you are losing a part of yourself in the process. Hair loss can be attributed to many factors such as age, genetics, stress, hormone imbalance, as well as certain diseases. However, most causes of hair less stem from androgenetic alopecia, otherwise known as male/female pattern baldness.

With those that are suffering from male/female pattern baldness, one technology that can help your hair start growing again is low level light therapy, or LLLT. LLLT is a clinically proven, FDA-cleared method that helps stimulate hair follicles and promotes thicker healthier hair. Scientific studies have proven that the technology produces thicker, healthier hair by rejuvenating the scalp, follicles, and blood flow. Caps such as Kiierr’s Low Level Light Therapy Caps use medical grade laser diodes to give you maximum hair growth. They will treat thinning and balding hair, reversing hair loss, revitalizing damaged/frail hair, and improving cellular respiration.

LLLT works by using a process known as photo-biotherapy, and occurs when laser light is absorbed by cells, stimulating their metabolism and protein synthesis. It’s backed by experts in the field of science, medicine, and technology, and can help those suffering from hair loss, or excessive thinning!


No matter your hair type, there are solutions to help you. Make sure you are following a healthy diet to allow your hair the best chance to grow! Always try to get ahead of your hair loss, as it is easiest to combat in the early stages.


What type of hair do you have and how do you deal with it? For more information on how to achieve a healthy head of hair, read our next article: The essentials for hair growth.


A Guide to Stronger Healthier Hair FAQs

[sc_fs_multi_faq headline-0=”h2″ question-0=”Is it possible to get thicker hair?” answer-0=”Yes it is possible if you take the necessary steps and proper treatment. This includes having a healthy diet, using chemical free products, and making sure you hair is getting enough vitamins and minerals to stay healthy.” image-0=”” headline-1=”h2″ question-1=”How can I thicken my thin hair?” answer-1=”To thicken thin hair, try using products that promote hair growth. Consume proteins high in protein, iron and zinc along with a multivitamin.” image-1=”” headline-2=”h2″ question-2=”What foods make hair grow quicker?” answer-2=”Foods that are high in protein content, omega-3 fatty acids, biotin, and iron can make your hair grow thicker. Eat foods such as eggs, meat, fish, nuts, cheese, fruits, and vegetables.” image-2=”” headline-3=”h2″ question-3=”Why is my hair thinning?” answer-3=”There could be various reasons that your hair is thinning. The first step you should take is identifying your diet and whether you are providing the proper nutrients and vitamins your hair needs to be healthy. ” image-3=”” count=”4″ html=”true” css_class=””]