Category Archives: Learning Hub

Rogaine Reviews vs Kiierr

The recent survey of the American Hair Loss Association has found that approximately 85 percent of men experience significant hair thinning by the age of 40. Yes, you read the percentage right!   However, if you are young and have already started experiencing bald patches or hair thinning, you are not alone. There is a large number of […]

iGrow Helmet vs Kiierr

igrow helmet vs kiierr
Androgenetic Alopecia in men and women is a devastating occurrence. When hair starts thinning and falling out, not only are we losing a part of ourselves, but other problems can arise such as stress, anxiety, and depression. One’s self esteem can become low, and the search for alternatives can become a priority. Rather than looking […]

What is a Laser Hair Growth Cap?

kiierr laser cap hair growth
 Are you struggling with hair loss and looking for a way to retrieve those beautiful hair follicles you once loved? You are not alone! In this post we are going to discuss the details of the Kiierr laser hair growth cap, and how it can help you combat your hair loss! What is a […]

Hair Loss In Men vs Women

hair loss in men and women
As a common societal practice, most people tend to associate hair loss with that of men. Media, too, is partly responsible for relating the image of baldness with that of men. The truth to realize is that hair loss is not gender-biased and exists in many forms. In this article, we are going to look […]

Roman Hair Loss Products vs Kiierr

kiierr before and after
Hair loss can be a difficult topic and life event, no matter your age. Unfortunately, hair loss is extremely popular among men and women around the world and finding ways to cope and combat your condition can sometimes be tricky. There are thousands of supplements and products on the market available to you, and it […]

Finasteride for Hair Loss vs Kiierr

finasteride for hair loss vs kiierr
Let’s admit it; we all need to find a trustworthy way to reverse hair loss at one point in time. The reason is common. A large number of people experience hair loss, and we all know how hard it can be to combat the underlying condition and find products and treatments that work. Whether it […]

A Complete Guide to Kiierr’s Laser Cap for Hair Loss

Copy of Kiierr Laser Cap - before and after hair growth image
Are you struggling with hair loss or looking to grow your current hair thicker and stronger? If so, you’re fortunate enough to be living in the 21st century where you are supplied with endless products and services to help maintain your health and appearance. One such product credited to improving the overall health of hair […]

Laser Hair Growth Treatment: How and Why it Works

laser hair growth treatment how and why it works
Losing one’s hair is not a feasible concept to come to terms with. Whether your head is completely hairless, or you are just starting to notice your hair thinning, it is a scary feeling. No one likes to see hair coming out in clumps on their brush or in the shower. I also know that […]

Everything You Need to Know About Low Level Light Therapy (LLLT)

everything you need to know about low level light therapy
Hair thinning or hair loss is nothing less than a tragedy. 50 million men and two-thirds of women around the world experience hair loss at some point in their lives. Victims of hair loss often seek medical treatments and solutions for reversing the effect.  The devastating experience of hair thinning compels men and women to […]

10 Most FAQ’s About Hair Loss and LLLT

Hair loss is one of the most heartbreaking events in life that we all encounter at some point. The journey that starts with hair thinning leads to hair fall, and eventually hair loss. However, hair loss is reversible; you can stop, revoke, and control the damage with the help of hair loss treatments, procedures, and […]