Tag Archives: hair loss in women

Hair Loss in Women: How to Get Your Hair Back!

Hair loss is difficult no matter who you are, but research shows that it is especially hard for women. Hair provides a way to express your personality, define your look and give you confidence. When women go through hair loss, the psychological effects can include: anxiety, depression, social stress, powerlessness, embarrassment, shame, sense of inadequacy […]

4 Ways to Fight Hair Loss as a New Mom

Postpartum Hair loss Tips and Solutions
Giving birth to a new baby is an exciting moment, but it also puts your body through a lot. And in the days and weeks after delivering your newborn, don’t be surprised if you notice excessive hair shedding. Postpartum hair loss is something millions of new mothers face. Knowing how to deal with it properly […]

Hair Loss in Women

woman hair loss
Hair loss is a common occurrence, not just in men but women too. According to the Cleveland Clinic, 30 million women in the United States alone suffer from hair loss.  Women of all ages can experience moderate to severe hair loss, but it is more prevalent in certain age groups. Several reasons can provoke hair […]