Tag Archives: healthy food

Top 4 Foods to Stay Away from When it Comes to Hair Health (Spoiler: Apsartame and Hair Loss)

Does Diet Soda (Aspartame) and Hair Loss Have a Connection? Read on.. What we put into our body can have a significant effect on the way our hair grows and remains healthy. When we put nutrient packed foods into our body, not only do our insides jump with joy, but our hair follicles praise us […]

Eating Your Way to Thicker, Stronger Hair

woman with luscious long hair
When we think of ways to treat our hair, we think of DIY masks and shampoos/conditioners. Most of us don’t realize that healthy food for our body contributes to a healthy head of hair. Each time we eat is an opportunity to nourish our bodies with positive nutrients that won’t only improve the overall health […]

Tasty Smoothies For Hair Growth

healthy smoothie with granola
Our hair health should be incredibly important to us. Eating the appropriate amount of vegetables, fruits, and proteins allow our hair and our body to maintain maximum strength and growth. But, some of us need an extra push to eat healthy while also satisfying our palette. I get it. Veggies and fruits can be boring, […]

Fall Foods Great for Hair Health

Eating healthy food is vital for hair growth and health. To keep our hair happy and healthy, we must keep our insides happy and healthy. With the holidays coming up, eating healthy might not be easy due to all the parties and festivities around the corner. All the pies, cakes, and drinks are hard to […]