The Gravity Hair Loss Theory: Reverse Hair Loss Today

woman screaming about hair loss

Hair loss affects millions of men and women world wide every year. And while there have been many technological breakthroughs within the industry on how to stop or reverse hair loss, the exact cause of male and female pattern baldness is still up for debate. Scientists and medical professionals are constantly testing and developing theories that are leading to hair loss. One such theory is the Gravity Hair Loss Theory, theorized by Doctor Emin Tuncay Ustuner, a plastic surgeon in Ankara, Turkey. Here’s everything you need to know about this new piece of information that may be the cause of your hair loss.

Hair Loss and Age

There are many factors that lead to the loss of hair, but age is one of the main contributors. The average head has about 100,000 individual strands of hair, and losing these strands on a gradual basis is normal. But as we age, hair loses thickness as well as strength, and many men and women develop the most common type of hair loss: male/female pattern baldness.

Everything to Know About the Gravity Theory

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The theory that gravity is partly responsible for hair loss, comes down to age and DHT. Ustuner believes that gravity pulls down the skin on the scalp, causing hair loss. The theory is that fat tissue under the skin is able to stay well hydrated when young, alleviating some of the pressure off of hair follicles. As we age, the skin and fat underneath the scalp becomes thinner and less hydrated, adding that pressure onto the hair follicles. The follicles then have to work harder against the pressure, requiring more hormones for normal growth. With this, DHT is then formed on the scalp in an excess amount. This hormone can be detrimental to hair health.

It is now widely accepted that DHT is the main cause of male and female pattern baldness, causing hair follicles to become thin and weak. However, in other areas of the body, DHT is very much needed for hair growth as well as promoting thickening of hair follicles. It basically affects your scalp and nothing else. But that’s the big question that needs to be asked.

Why does DHT affect scalp hair negatively, while promoting hair growth everywhere else?

The answer as Dr. Ustuner believes, is that when the body requires more hormones for normal growth, it creates a buildup of DHT levels in the scalp, but not in the bloodstream. This causes further erosion of the subcutaneous fat. In response to the rising levels of DHT, the hair growth cycle accelerates, but not enough to overcome the increased pressure. This results in the hair follicle becoming smaller and smaller and eventually leading to complete hair loss.

Ustuner explains that if gravity is the culprit of hair loss and that the pressure created by the weight of the scalp is the main cause of balding, then baldness should happen at the top of the head, which is exactly what happens. Male pattern baldness starts from the top of the scalp, creating that U shape you are most familiar with. He also points out that the ears help resist the effects that gravity takes on your scalp, lessening hair loss on the sides of the head.

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The Critics

reverse hair lossDr. Ustuner acknowledges the skepticism of this theory, understanding that the simplicity of an extremely complicated problem is a disadvantage in and of itself. And while he notes that many genetic factors contribute to pattern baldness, the increase of DHT levels in the scalp is in no way a genetic occurrence, nor is it truly understood.

The gravity hair loss theory hasn’t been proven yet, but if true, it could mean taking a different look on what we know about hair loss and how to prevent it. Dedicated scientists and medical professionals are hard at work trying to understand everything there is to know about hair loss. Hopefully one day a cure will arise from the time spent on this complicated problem.

How to Reverse Hair Loss

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One of the best ways to reverse hair loss today is by using a FDA-cleared laser cap for hair loss. These laser caps help slow down and reverse hair loss on the scalps of men and women. They use low level light therapy to do this, which is emitted through medical grade laser diodes in the caps.

The low level light therapy stimulates the scalp tissue to promote blood flow to the hair follicles. This makes sure that the hair and scalp are getting the proper oxygen levels and vitamin and nutrients to support a healthy head of hair. It also encourages new, strong, and healthy growth in the hair follicles.

Laser caps are gaining the recognition and respect from medical professionals all around the world. They help reverse male pattern baldness as well as females struggling with hair loss. These caps are worn every other day for 30-minutes and treatment is completed in the comfort of your own home. The convenience and technology of these medical devices is incredible, and can help reverse hair thinning on your scalp today.


To learn more about DHT and how it affects your hair, we have you covered. Check out this article on how to stop DHT.


Gravity Hair Loss Theory FAQs

[sc_fs_multi_faq headline-0=”h2″ question-0=”Can hair grow back after thinning?” answer-0=”Yes. Hair can grow back after thinning if you take the necessary steps. Focus on maintaining a healthy diet and using LLLT technology to boost the cells in the hair follicles to encourage growth.” image-0=”” headline-1=”h2″ question-1=”Can you go bald after 40?” answer-1=”You can start losing hair and go bald anywhere from age 20 and beyond. ” image-1=”” headline-2=”h2″ question-2=”Can I go bald if my dad has hair?” answer-2=”Yes. Anyone can go bald regardless if their parents are bald or have a full head of hair.” image-2=”” count=”3″ html=”true” css_class=””]