Male Hair Loss 101

man looking at balding head

No one enjoys losing their hair, especially when that loss happens all too quickly. Unfortunately, most of us will experience some type of hair loss during our lifetime. However, understand that hair loss can be the key to saving those strands, or saying goodbye to them forever. Below is a small guide into the world of male hair loss, and what you can do to keep those hairs on your head. Enjoy our guide for male hair loss 101 along with some male hair growth treatment options.

The Stats

male pattern baldness statistics

According to the American Hair Loss Association, two thirds of men will see their hair lose its luster and thickness by the age of 35. But, after the age of 50, that number jumps to an astounding 85 percent. Androgenetic alopecia, more commonly known as male pattern baldness, accounts for a whopping 95 percent of hair loss in men. That is a large number! Unfortunately for those that suffer from male pattern baldness, approximately 25 percent will begin the painful process before the age of twenty-one.

Male Pattern Baldness

male hair loss 101While male pattern baldness effects a vast majority of men, there is still not one definitive cause for this disorder. Whereas the most common cause is blamed on heredity, it can also be caused by serious diseases, hormones, reactions to serious medication, and in rare events, extremely stressful events. What male pattern baldness sufferers are actually inheriting however, is an acute sensitivity to dihydrotestosterone, or DHT. Hair follicles that are sensitive to this hormone begin to miniaturize, which shortens the lifespan of each hair follicle that is affected. Eventually, hair production will stop altogether.

Male patter baldness normally starts as a receding hairline and thinning of the crown. Hair in these areas, as well as the temples and mid-anterior scalp, seem to be most prone to DHT. This can explain why these areas are the first to go. The pattern eventually progresses into a more apparent baldness throughout the entire scalp, creating a “horseshoe” type pattern that most are familiar with. As each hair follicle becomes affected, complete baldness is more likely to occur, where it is near impossible to grow the hair back.

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male hair growth

DHT is a tricky one to understand in that it is both highly effective for the production of the hair on your body, but detrimental for the hair on your head. Testosterone converts to DHT with the aid of an enzyme known as 5-alpha reductive. But when the level of DHT increases and binds to the receptors in the scalp follicles, it begins to shrink the hair follicles, making it impossible for healthy hair to survive. This also leads to a complete end of hair growth cycle to the affected follicles. But as I said, DHT is also important for the hair on your chest, back, and other areas. It effectively lives by the saying “can’t live with it, can’t live without it”.

Thankfully, treatments for hair loss are constantly being studied and improved. Low level light therapy has made a huge breakthrough in recent years, coming straight to you to use in the comfort of your own home. Kiierr’s low level light therapy caps tremendously help your hair when suffering from male pattern baldness. You can also take DHT blocking vitamins to help block the excess DHT from affecting your hair follicles, giving your scalp the chance to grow healthily.



You now have the insights on male hair loss 101. Unfortunately, most men experience hair loss in their lifetime and it is not uncommon for it to be severe. This male pattern baldness can often times be contributed to DHT levels on the scalp. Know your signs and symptoms so you can take action to combat hair thinning.


Do you suffer from male pattern baldness? Let us know below. Also, check out our article on our 10 most FAQ’s about hair loss to learn more.


Male Hair Loss FAQs

[sc_fs_multi_faq headline-0=”h2″ question-0=”What causes hair loss in males?” answer-0=”There are a variety of reasons men can lose their hair. Some of these consist of medications, heredity, stress, DHT, and disease.” image-0=”” headline-1=”h2″ question-1=”Can a man’s hair grow back?” answer-1=”It is possibly for a man to regrow his hair if it is thinning. It is unlikely to grow back hair if a man is completely bald.” image-1=”” headline-2=”h2″ question-2=”Can hair grow back after thinning?” answer-2=”Yes it is possible with the right treatment to grow hair back after thinning.” image-2=”” headline-3=”h2″ question-3=”What foods stimulate hair growth?” answer-3=”Foods that stimulate hair growth include but are not limited to: eggs, meat, fish, nuts, seeds, cheese, vegetables, and fruits.” image-3=”” count=”4″ html=”true” css_class=””]