Tag Archives: regrow hair

Top 4 Natural Home Remedies for Hair Growth

Naturally regrow your hair
Suffering from a thinning scalp, balding, or some other form of hair loss? A quick Google search will reveal a wealth of options and remedies. But before you dive headfirst into these solutions, make sure you have a complete picture of what’s out there. Not all options are as safe or harmless as they seem. […]

A Link to McDonald’s Fries and Hair Growth

man with mcdonalds fries
The cure for baldness is still on the lookout, and while there are understandings about contributing factors playing a role in male/female pattern baldness, the actual cause is still unknown in the medical and scientific world. However, there might be a link between two unsuspecting things: McDonalds fries and hair growth. Although hair growth probably […]

The 5 Best Natural Oils to Get That Hair Growing

woman pouring oil over head for healthy hair
Our hair is important to us. Hair loss shampoo and conditioner alone are not enough for our hair to succeed in shine and strength. With many harsh chemicals thrown in the mix, it’s hard to trust what we’re putting on our scalp. Not to mention studying the ingredients when we aren’t sure what the words […]