Tag Archives: hair loss

Top Hair Shedding Causes and Best Treatment Options

is hair shedding normal
Hair loss is a serious problem. So serious that approximately 56 million people suffer from hair loss according to the American Hair Loss Association. Even if people start making baldness a trend, it doesn’t suit everyone or solve the problem. So, if you are beginning to notice your hair thinning or falling out on the […]

Causes Of Hair Loss In Men

male or female pattern baldness | Kiierr
A receding hairline does not mean that you are the only man on earth suffering from hair loss. It is a common and mostly inevitable occurrence for all males as you begin to age.  It may feel convenient to blame hair loss on your family tree, but in truth, several reasons can contribute to your […]

Male Hair Loss 101

man looking at balding head
No one enjoys losing their hair, especially when that loss happens all too quickly. Unfortunately, most of us will experience some type of hair loss during our lifetime. However, understand that hair loss can be the key to saving those strands, or saying goodbye to them forever. Below is a small guide into the world […]

Home Remedies for Hair Loss

home remedies for hair loss
Hair loss is one of our greatest enemies. You will surely agree with the fact that hair is one of our most significant features. Much of our personality depends on our hair.  As menacing as this common problem is, there are, however, several ways in which one can offset and even get rid of the […]

Combating a Receding Hairline | Causes, Symptoms, and Treatments

Receding Hairline causes, symptoms, and treatments | Kiierr
Receding Hairline Causes and Symptoms The causes of a receding hairline may vary from one person to another, but they are not limited to age and gender. If you are experiencing hair thinning on the sides of your head and behind your ears, you need to take a look at what is causing the problem. […]

The Ins and Outs of Hair Loss

man suffering from alopecia
Hair loss can be devastating, especially when there’s a bigger underlying problem to its causes. In the last several decades, more time and research has been dedicated to understanding what can cause hair loss, and what can be done to remedy the problem. At times, your hair loss can be reversed if the cause isn’t […]

The Gravity Hair Loss Theory: Reverse Hair Loss Today

woman screaming about hair loss
Hair loss affects millions of men and women world wide every year. And while there have been many technological breakthroughs within the industry on how to stop or reverse hair loss, the exact cause of male and female pattern baldness is still up for debate. Scientists and medical professionals are constantly testing and developing theories […]

The Perfect Holiday Gift for Hair Loss

the perfect holiday gift for hair loss
Are you looking for the perfect holiday gift for hair loss? Christmas is right around the corner. With Christmas comes countless bargains and sales. One winter sale going on right now is on Kiierr’s Laser Hair Caps. This allows you to either buy that perfect gift for someone suffering from hair loss, or for treating […]

Three Hair Loss Factors

hair strands falling out in comb
Hair loss is a natural part of a healthy hair growth cycle. In short, the anagen (growth) stage lasts from three to four years, where the telogen (resting/shedding) stage lasts from three to four months. When both are operating in sync. 80-90 percent of the hair follicles are active, growing hair, and 10-12 percent are […]