Tag Archives: low level laser light therapy

What is a Laser Cap? | Kiierr Laser Cap

what is a laser cap
What is a Laser Cap?   What is a Laser Hair Growth Cap? Have you begun experiencing hair loss and started looking around for solutions? You may have come across something known as a laser cap. Laser caps are FDA-cleared medical devices that use low level light therapy, also known as LLLT, to stimulate blood […]

Hair Loss Can Lead to Extreme Mental Stress—Here’s What You Can Do to Overcome It

Hair loss can lead to mental stress, get tips here
Millions of men and women all over the world suffer from hair loss. Unlike normal hair shedding — where people lose 50-100 strands of hair each day — hair loss is unexpected and rapid. Hair loss patients shed more than 125 hairs per day, and not enough hairs grow back to restart the growth cycle. […]

Is It Possible to Make My Hair Grow Faster?

Accelerate Hair Growth with Kiierr
Sometimes you want to grow hair. Other times, you want to grow hair fast. So the question becomes: Is it even possible to accelerate hair growth under normal conditions? Understanding How Hair Grows While we could offer up a few quick tips and send you on your way, the reality is that most people will […]

Can people with darker skin types use laser caps?

Does laser hair therapy work on darker skin tones
Do you have a darker skin tone curious if laser hair therapy can help you restore your hair? Or have you heard a crazy rumor that low-level laser therapy (LLLT) only works for people with light skin? The short answer is laser hair growth therapy DOES work for people with dark skin. Best of all, […]

My Dad is Bald – Does That Mean I’ll Go Bald, Too?

Balding Genetics
As you probably know, some level of hair loss is usually tied to genetics. But if your dad went bald at an early age, does that necessarily mean you’re guaranteed to do the same? Balding and Genetics Traditionally, people have always said to look at your mother’s father. If your maternal grandfather is bald, then […]

What Can Cause Sudden and Rapid Onset of Hair Loss?

In Depth Detail and Prevention Methods on Sudden Hair Loss
Losing your hair is not an uncommon incident. In fact, the majority of men and women will lose significant amounts of hair over their lifetime. But for most people, hair loss is the result of a slow decline. If you experience sudden and rapid hair loss, you have every right to be miffed. Now it’s […]

iRestore Review vs. Kiierr

Kiierr vs. iRestore Reviews
Suffering from hair loss does not have to be terrifying. We live in a world full of amazing technology that can help regrow your hair back. One of these technologies is low-level light therapy (LLLT), which has revolutionized the hair growth industry. It has become the number one way to rejuvenate hair follicles on both […]

How Does a Laser Hair Growth Cap Work? Your Practical Guide

How Does a Laser Hair Growth Cap Work?
Hair loss isn’t a problem reserved for aging men to deal with. Thinning hair or rapid hair loss is a condition that more and more men and women face daily. The array of products on the market are endless, but do they really work to help regrow hair? Join us as we uncover the common […]

The Ins and Outs of Hair Loss

man suffering from alopecia
Hair loss can be devastating, especially when there’s a bigger underlying problem to its causes. In the last several decades, more time and research has been dedicated to understanding what can cause hair loss, and what can be done to remedy the problem. At times, your hair loss can be reversed if the cause isn’t […]

Do Laser Caps Work for Hair Loss? Will They Work For You?

laser caps
 Do Laser Caps Work For Hair Loss? According to Medlineplus.gov U.S. National Library Of Medicine, androgenetic alopecia (AGA), is a frequent cause of hair loss in both men and women. This form of hair loss affects an estimated 50 million men and 30 million women in the United States. Androgenetic alopecia can start as early […]