Category Archives: Laser Cap Facts

Best Laser Hair Growth Devices: How Kiierr Stacks Up

Best laser hair growth device review
Hair loss is no joke, and unfortunately millions of men and women suffer from hair loss around the world every day. Alopecia affects nearly 50% of men over the age of 40 and 75% of women over the age of 65 according to this source. That’s an enormous amount of people! To this day, there […]

Bosley Hair Products Reviews vs Kiierr

bosley hair products review
Hair Loss Reasons Hair loss occurs due to a number of reasons and varies from person to person. These include: Hypothyroidism Cicatricial alopecia Trichotillomania Traction alopecia Androgenetic alopecia (for both male and female) Hair loss may be a genetic trait but it is not necessarily an inherited feature from your maternal grandfather. Medical science claims […]

Do Laser Caps Work for Hair Loss? Will They Work For You?

laser caps
 Do Laser Caps Work For Hair Loss? According to U.S. National Library Of Medicine, androgenetic alopecia (AGA), is a frequent cause of hair loss in both men and women. This form of hair loss affects an estimated 50 million men and 30 million women in the United States. Androgenetic alopecia can start as early […]

iGrow Helmet vs Kiierr

igrow helmet vs kiierr
Androgenetic Alopecia in men and women is a devastating occurrence. When hair starts thinning and falling out, not only are we losing a part of ourselves, but other problems can arise such as stress, anxiety, and depression. One’s self esteem can become low, and the search for alternatives can become a priority. Rather than looking […]

What is a Laser Hair Growth Cap?

kiierr laser cap hair growth
 Are you struggling with hair loss and looking for a way to retrieve those beautiful hair follicles you once loved? You are not alone! In this post we are going to discuss the details of the Kiierr laser hair growth cap, and how it can help you combat your hair loss! What is a […]

A Complete Guide to Kiierr’s Laser Cap for Hair Loss

Copy of Kiierr Laser Cap - before and after hair growth image
Are you struggling with hair loss or looking to grow your current hair thicker and stronger? If so, you’re fortunate enough to be living in the 21st century where you are supplied with endless products and services to help maintain your health and appearance. One such product credited to improving the overall health of hair […]

Who Can Kiierr Help?

Hair loss can be difficult. Our hair is intertwined with our identity, and when it begins to thin or fall out, we can lose a sense of ourselves along with the strands. It can be devastating, affect our mood and self esteem, and can cause stress and depression. Does Kiierr work to help many with […]

5 Most Common Hair Loss Triggers

balding suffering from hair loss
Hair loss affects millions of men and women every year, starting in 40% of men by the age of 35, and women by the age of 40. The American Academy of Dermatology has declared August as Hair Loss Awareness Month. They are providing education about hair loss and empowering those that suffer from hair loss […]

Regrowing Hair One Laser at a Time

laser hair growth treatment |
Hair loss is no joke. We spend years and years with a full head of hair, and once those locks start falling away, it can be quite scary. Is it stress? Health? Something serious? It can be terrifying not knowing the reason for the loss. But quite possibly the biggest question that’s asked when those […]